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أهداف منهج اللغة الإنجليزية الثالث الإعدادي 2016/2017
أهداف منهج اللغة الإنجليزية الثالث الإعدادي 2016/2017
والتي تنقسم إلى أهداف عامة وأهداف خاصة
والتي سنتحدث عنها..
Objectives of Teaching English as a Foreign
Language in the Preparatory Stage
* General Aims:
1.a : To acquire and develop the four language skills integratively.
1.b : To help the students communicate in English within the limited scope of the number
of hours allocated to the course.
1.c : Consequently, learning the first foreign language may be considered as a basis the
students can build on at a later stage.
* Specific Aims:
2.a : To enable the students to understand the lexical items, syntactic structures,
phonological features and functional items they are exposed to within the limits of what
they have acquired.
2.b : To enable the students to express themselves orally in English through the use of
simple expressions and sentences, taking into account the correct pronunciation.
* The Four Skills:
Teaching will aim at acquiring and developing all skills in an integrated way for most
of the time.
3.a : Listening:
– Distinguishing sounds and words.
– Understanding a limited range of vocabulary items.
– Understanding simple sentences, questions, instructions and directions and
responding to them.
– Understanding a wider range of vocabulary.
– Understanding different forms of questions.
– Identifying topics of situational dialogues.
3.b : Speaking:
– Producing words and sentences.
– Producing short utterances.
– Taking part in simple dialogues.
– Producing questions and answers.
– Re-telling a story.
– Making simple requests.
– Telling a story or dramatizing it as a play.
3.c : Reading:
– Identifying a range of vocabulary items.
– Responding appropriately to simple sentences and short paragraphs.
– Scanning and skimming texts for information.
– Answering questions on a text.
3.d : Writing:
– Completing and constructing simple sentences.
– Writing a letter following instructions.
– Writing a paragraph by answering questions or any other kind of guidance.