مذكرة قصة إنجليزي 3 ثانوي ، سوف نقدم مذكرة خاصة بالقصة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي وهي مذكرة شرح بالكامل للقصة وبالتالي سوف نعرض لكم شرح كامل ووافي مع أسئلة رائعة علي القصة بالكامل كما تحتوي علي مفردات كاملة ومعاني لكلمات كل فصل فهي مذكرة كاملة ورائعة ونتمني أن تستفادوا منها بشكل كبير.
مذكرة قصة إنجليزي 3 ثانوي
English – Novel – The Prisoner Of Zenda
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
جزء من القصة
I was eating breakfast in the dining room of my brother’s house one sunny morning, thinking about what I would do that week, when my brother’s wife Rose came into the room.
“Rudolf, you’re 29 years old,” she said. “Are you ever going to do anything useful?” “Rose,” I answered, putting down my egg spoon, “why should I do anything? I have nearly enough money to do anything I want to (no one ever has quite enough money to do that, of course), and I enjoy an important position in society: my brother’s Lord Burlesdon and you are a countess.”
“But you’ve done nothing except……”
“Be lazy? It’s true. I’m a member of the Rassendyll family and our family don’t need to do things.” This annoyed Rose, because her family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls. At this moment, my brother Lord Burlesdon (who we were happy to call simply Robert) came into the room. “Robert, I’m so happy you’re back!” cried Rose. “What’s the matter, my dear?” Robert asked her. “She’s angry because she thinks I don’t do anything,” I explained to my brother.